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The Highways Authority Product Approval scheme, (HAPAS) is part of the British Board of Agrément (BBA). The BBA scheme identifies and certifies the top products within the highway maintenance sector.

HAPAS approved products provide certified assurance for local authorities and contractors for highway repair projects. To gain a HAPAS approval, a product must go through a process including laboratory and road tests, site inspection, performance trials and an evaluation of production. Meon have three surface repair products that are HAPAS approved, PatchMaster H570 Pothole RepairPatchMaster H575 Footway Repair and overbanding tape ThermaBand R172. 


How To Repair A Pothole Video

All data collected from these elements are then assessed by the BBA, who then decide whether the product is worth of a HAPAS approval. Gaining this certificate requires a large amount of work, research, and development from those seeking the approval, and when earned, it proves that the product is perfect for its use. The overall process can take up to two years to complete.

Once given the certificate of approval, the manufacturer of the product is audited every 6 months to ensure the criteria is being met and maintained. Assessors will evaluate the packaging, equipment, and the raw material suppliers, as well as the people who manufacture the products’ training. If the manufacturer needs to change any of the ingredients or processes involved in producing the product, they have to gain approval from the BBA.

Any product that has this approval can boast assurance of confidence and long-term proven durability.


HAPAS Approved Surface Repair Products For Roads

PatchMaster H570

PatchMaster H570 is a permanent cold-lay pothole repair material enabling fast highway pothole repairs. This pothole repair kit increases productivity and reduces disruption to road users as it is instantly ready to receive traffic. It has been designed specifically for small-scale reinstatement’s and patching works. 

The modern binder technology in PatchMaster H570 enables quick, effective repair of carriageways in all weather conditions all year round. Faster completion times improve productivity and avoid disruption to road users.

ThermaBand R172 HAPAS Approved 35mm Overbanding

ThermaBand R172 is an overbanding tape for pothole repair. This Overbanding tape is made from preformed thermoplastic, which is used to seal joints in asphalt surfaces, preventing water getting into the gaps and creating bigger cracks or holes. It retains flexibility, meaning it won’t crack  even in cooler conditions and has an anti-skid treatment embedded into the surface.
It is easily laid, durable, and meets Highway Standards, without the need for boilers and associated hot-work risks.

PatchMaster H575

Magma PatchMaster H575 is a 20KG cold-lay repair bucket that has been specially formulated to enable first time, surface restoration. Ideal for reinstatement of utility cuts, filling and patching works such as potholes and trench repairs for cabling or drainage maintenance.

The product is ideal where a rapid response is required for reactive utility maintenance works, or to enable re-opening of reinstatements to traffic without having to wait for hot-works operations.

Can be used throughout the year and can be used even in damp conditions for short-term reactive works.


To find out more information on highways maintenance or HAPAS approval, email mail@meonuk.com or call 023 9220 0606