Event Blog
IntraLogistex 2024
The NEC, Birmingham, 19th - 20th of March, 2023

WSS were back exhibiting at the UK’s largest warehouse and logistics exhibition, IntraLogisteX 2024, at the NEC in Birmingham.
As specialists in improving warehouse safety and asset protection, we were proud to exhibit our innovative safety solutions to the logistics industry and speak to many professionals across the sector.
We were showcasing the UK’s finest range of safety solutions developed to elevate the level of health and safety in your facility; Our polymeric barrier range, our indestructible Projected Safety Markings, and our Surface Marking & Maintenance Solutions.

IntraLogistex was co-located alongside 2 other exhibition events, Robotics and Automation 2024, as well as the new Sustainable Supply Chain Exhibition.
The event saw 8,000 attendees across all 3 shows this year, making it the UK’s biggest event for the logistics, manufacturing, warehousing, supply chain, robotics, automation, sustainable mobility and packaging sectors.
IntraLogisteX 24' also hosted a multi-theatre conference, with more that 60+ practitioners, academics and c-suite professionals, sharing their commercial experience and thought leadership.

Our stand was positioned next to The IntraLogisteX Theatre, the main conference stage for IntraLogistex 2024. A range of topics on robotic automation systems, Ai-optimised decision making for operations, intelligent device management and returnable packaging, to name a few, were presented and welcomed greatly.
Additionally to the Keynote Theatre, there were two more conference stages – The new Sustainability Theatre, as well as The Robotics and Automation Theatre, both offering visitors more food for thought on technological innovations within the industry.
See the full list of IntraLogisteX 2024 speakers here.

Thank you!
We are grateful to Akabo Media and Logistics Manager for arranging such a fantastic free industry event.
If you had the opportunity to drop by our booth, we trust that we expressed our enthusiasm and perhaps opened your eyes to innovative safety solutions that are beneficial for the operational safety of your business.
We are genuinely committed to addressing everyone's requirements for efficient safety within their organisations.
Please take a minute to check out our event highlights video!
We look forward to exhibiting at the NEC in Birmingham again soon, at the Health & Safety Event on the 30th of April – 2nd of May 2024. See you there!