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Reinstatement Case Study

Reinstatement Case Study

ACO Drain Repair at Tank Garrison

Emergency Drain Repair Material Resolves ACO Drain Failures at Army Tank Garrison

ACO Drain Repair at Tank Garrison

"I’m not one for marketing products , but I will give credit where it is due, especially with this emergency repair material we recently used on an Army Tank Garrison, where the client had some ACO drain unit failures in the PQ handstands.

  The HardMaster W615 flowable mix was recommended with a 31N/mm2 in 24 hrs and 50N/mm2 at 28 days- to allow traffic with minimal disruption to the Tank movements.

 Big thanks to MEON and the team of concrete repair specialists, excellent products and prompt delivery to site."

Michael Denney - Dyer & Butler

Dyer & Butler have a long history in construction of high-quality projects, within the most challenging defence and aviation sectors.

 A recent project included a challenge of repairing failing ACO drains, in a busy tank training garrison with very heavy military equipment traffic.

 The surface water drain off was starting to affect the surrounding area, the impact of leaving this situation speeds up exponentially and causes more damage in the future.

 In such a busy heavy military environment, safe and efficient repair was essential.

Failing ACO Drains

Systems used

HardMaster W615 Rapid Strength Flowable Concrete 25kg Bag
HardMaster W615 Rapid Strength Flowable Concrete 25kg Bag
HardMaster W615 Rapid Strength Flowable Concrete 25kg Bag
HardMaster W615 Rapid Strength Flowable Concrete 25kg Bag
HardMaster W615 Rapid Strength Flowable Concrete 25kg Bag
HardMaster W615 Rapid Strength Flowable Concrete 25kg Bag

HardMaster W615 Rapid Strength Flowable Concrete 25kg Bag



HardMaster W615 is a high performance rapid set and rapid strength flowable backfill concrete which is designed to complement the HardMaster range of bedding mortars, and can be opened to traffic just 90 minutes after being mixed and placed. It is perfect for any application that requires high early strength gain and a quick return to service time. It’s rapid set and high early strength development help reduce construction and road closure times, making it ideal for both planned and emergency repairs.

Typical applications include the backfill of carriageway ironwork, post and barrier erection and is is compatible for use with concrete, brick and stone substrates. HardMaster W615 complies with Department of Transport HD 27/04 Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Vol 7 Sec 2 Clause 3.11.


  • Early strength gain, ready to receive traffic after just 90 minutes
  • Easy to use, pre-blended, one component product - just add water and mix
  • Excellent bond strength
  • Shrinkage compensated
  • High final strength
  • Flowable and self-compacting

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