An important aspect when aiming to beat potholes is understanding what most commonly causes them. While potholes are easily identifiable by sight, it is the activity below the surface that results in this failure in asphalt. Potholes are normally caused by the expansion and contraction of water that has entered the ground underneath the road surface
Crack Overbanding
To prevent a pothole from forming, you want to ensure no water is able to enter any cracks in the road; this can be done through overbanding. Preformed Thermoplastic Tape is a popular product for overbanding, as it provides a skid-resistant, waterproof seal. The preformed tape is laid over the crack, then a gas torch is used to melt the tape, causing it to create a strong seal.
Crack Infill
A crack infill material can also be applied. This is a cold plastic product that is poured into the crack rather than laid over the top, therefore ‘filling’ the crack. Seen in the video below.
Water Drainage
If able to be done, make sure as little water as possible can get below the road’s surface in order to prevent potholes from beginning to form. This could be done through ensuring there is suitable and sufficient drainage systems surrounding the surface, or even reporting any cracks you notice in the asphalt.
Pothole Repair
Cold-lay Repair Material
A cold-lay material is gradually layered into the pothole, with it being compacted down either by hand tamping or mechanical compactor after each layer. This creates a durable new surface that can be opened to traffic immediately after the job is finished.
Hot-Work Repair Material
Hot-work patch material is a permanent repair option that is designed to be extremely durable. It is heated up and compressed with machinery, yet once it cools and hardens, it solidifies its bond with the surrounding area’s asphalt.